Haryana PRT 2024 Exam Admit Card Released

Haryana Staff Selection Commission has released the admit card for the Primary Teacher Recruitment written examination. Registered candidates appearing for the examination can download the hall ticket by entering the application number and date of birth by visiting the official website of the commission, hssc.gov.in. The exam will be conducted in a single shift.
According to the official notification issued by the commission, the Primary Teacher Recruitment Examination will be conducted on September 28 in a single shift from 3:45 pm to 5:30 pm at various centers across the state. Candidates appearing for the exam should keep in mind that along with the admit card, a photo bearing official identity card such as Aadhar card, PAN card or voter ID will also have to be taken to the examination center. Without these documents, no candidate will be allowed to enter the hall in the exam.
How to download HSSC PRT Admit Card 2024
Visit the official website of HSSC, hssc.gov.in.
Click on the Public Notice tab on the home page.
Click on the Primary Teacher Admit Card Download link.
Now click on the link given here and enter the login details.
The admit card will appear on your screen.
Now check and download.
The admit card will contain many important information like candidate's name, date of birth, parent's name, roll number, registration number, exam center code, exam venue, candidate's photo, exam time etc. Through this exam, 1,456 Group 'C' teacher posts are to be filled in Mewat cadre.
A total of 100 questions will be asked in the teacher recruitment exam. 0.95 marks will be given for each correct answer. It is mandatory to answer all the questions. Candidates should keep in mind that after the High Court's decision, the commission has decided to remove the weightage for socio-economic marks, as a result of which the written test will now be of 95 marks. All questions will be compulsory and the question paper will be in both Hindi and English.